Happy Pink Saturday everyone! Today I'm joining Beverly from
How Sweet the Sound for her weekly Pink Saturday blog party and I would like to share with you, myself and my 2 oldest granddaughters collection of OOAK Art Fairies. This collection is meant for them but still resides in my home until they are much older. This is a Tea Cup Fairy that is part of the collection from a long ways back. It all started when my two oldest Granddaughters were young and we used to read all the verses of the Flower Fairies from Mary Cicely Barker's books. I started a collection for each of the girls and plan on making them a quilt with the Flower fairy fabric from the same line as the fairies in the books for each one of them. It is on "my to do list"! They all usually stay in my curio, but today this one is out to show off what I spent my $55 CSN gift certificate on that was given by Kathy of
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy. Kathy is my Featured person this week and she is really nice so stop by and say Hi! It was certainly not a Need but a Want to have and that is a "Cloche"! This is the smaller size and I picked a larger one to go with it. I just love cloches and wanted one forever. Free why not? Since it didn't use up all the gift certificate I added a little to it and ended up with both sizes. I will have fun displaying various holiday items in these for sure. The wonderful old brass server was my Grandmothers and fit perfect under the smaller Cloche. As I write this post I have been fighting being sick for 2 days and have tons of things to get done, so I apologize in advance if I don't get back to any of you for a day or two, yuk to sick!
Hi Marilou!
So sorry you aren't feeling well...sending up a little prayer and lots of get well wishes my sweet friend. Maybe a nice hot cup of tea with honey would help??
I just love this sweet fairy and the way you have her displayed <3
Happy Pink Saturday!
Blessings and Hugs,
Your cloche is lovely, very soft and pretty.
I hope you feel better soon. Happy Pink Saturday, Char
Hi Marilou, thank you so much for the shout-out! I loved reading your story about what you are collecting for your granddaughters, and your cloche is beautiful. I just finished my Pink Saturday post, and am directing folks over here. Take care and God bless!
Your cloche is beautiful!! Sometimes it's fun to be able to get things simply because we want them. Especially since it was free! You really can't get any better than that!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Happy Pink Saturday MariLou Sweetie...
Oh what a beautiful gift of love. I love your cloches and the fairy contained inside, is absolutely precious. I love Fairies. What a magical world.
Now hop on over to my blog. I am having a CSN giveaway as well. You're on a roll sweetie, you never know.
Hope you have a glorious weekend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
Please rest and take good care of yourself ~ it's so hard to remember to slow down, don't do too much and to nurture ourselves!! Please feel better soon, hugs and love, Dawn
Dear Marilou,
I love fairies and have the Complete Book Of the Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Bower. I love her work. She has the best fairies!
The fairy under your cloche is very pretty. Is this a series of fairies - The OOAK ?
I have not heard of that before!
Marilou~ the cloche with fairies is stunning! What a centerpiece!
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend..
Happy PS!
Feel better!
And I love the flower fairies. I would love to see your "flower fairies quilt" when it is done.
I would like to invite you join my blog party "Being Creative" starting today. I hope you join in!
I've added you to my blog roll!! Told you I would, it's just finding the time!! Today is only the 3rd week in our new house, so it is CRAZY!!
I'm so sad I missed pink Saturday!! I will be joining in next week for sure! If for no other reason, to hang out with you!!!
Your project is amazing!!!! LOVE it!!
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