We have been feeling under the weather lately and havin' to be spoon fed, (not) and hope to be back to Posting more real soon. Thanks for all the well wishes from all friends and Face book friends too. Chicken soup, lots of water and rest do make a difference, especially with the good ole Z-pack the Dr. ordered. A day or two more and maybe some of this ice cream that Boo is gettin' will make a difference, do ya think? Certainly hope so because we have to gotta get ready to Party! Hope to see ya'all real soon!
Lots of sugar & love coming your way, sweetie. Rest & take your time ... we'll all be here for you.
Have a beautiful weekend ~
Sorry to hear you all are puny. Hope you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear that you've had a bug. Wishing you wellness!
~ Deb
MARILOU-LOU!! I am so excited! I don't know what to do though! Where do I link, and what is the surprise I give????
AND, Thanks so much for telling me I can use that post! I've been freakin out over this, although I have like EVERYTHING pinkk!!
You can email me, or PM me.
drhayes1770 at yahoo dot com
THANK YOU!! YOU are the star!
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