Happy Pink Saturday everyone! Don't forget to go by and visit Beverly at
How Sweet the Sound for lots of wonderful Pinks and visit all the Pink party bloggers, you may find some really great new blogs to visit! I ran short of time as I have had some extra babysitting hours clocked this week and today was no exception and I'm just out of energy! This was posted on my
Heartful Creations blog this week and I thought walaa, I already have a pink photo taken, thank goodness! Pink depression glass divided server and it is a beauty. I have had it since the 1970's I don't know if it is a reproduction run or the earlier version but it is a beauty anyway and Pink! Have fun filled, creative beautiful weekend!
Hi LuLu, love the Pink Depression Glass. I acquired quite a few pieces from a relative that passed away. The Pink is so pretty!
So beautiful, Marilou! My mom and I LOVE pink depression glass...she has WAY more than I do...so far!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Hi Marilou, Thank you for visiting my blog.
I love depression glass too! I only have a few pieces but use them a lot and I'm always on the lookout for more.
Have a great weekend.
I just love pink depression glass!! This is a great piece!!
Hi Lulu, happy pink Saturday. I love pink depression glass (actually any color really). In fact I had a piece very similar to this a few years ago. I don't know what happened to it.
Lisa x
I have a set of these...they are repros and were sold by JC Penney ... they had them in aqua too and I wish I had gotten those. Funny but I don't regret things I've bought just the things I haven't :))
Happy Pink Saturday !
Happy Pink Saturday Marilou, Beautiful old dish. Have a restful energy restoring week! Hugs Linda
My mother had some lovely glassware and this dish looks like one of them. They all got broken and were lost. Such a shame.
That platter is so pretty.Would it not be nice if our soap had a dish in it ? laura
Happy Pink Saturday!
Love depression glass...
~ Gabriela ~
Gorgeous plate!!! Sorry you are tired!
How funny is this? Do we share a brain or something? Both posting depression glass? HAHA!! That plate is so delightful!! Do you have more pieces like this? I know the pattern, but I've been out all day buying house things and I am so tired too!
Love..love ....love... pink depression glass...uuumm.. it is Sunday tomorrow..maybe some fleaing?
Happy PS!
Hi Marylou,
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Love depression glass, and this one is so pretty. I love pink of course!
Hello Marilou, don't you just love the softness of depression glass. And to think it was given away for free back in the day.
Yes, once again I am late, but I didn't want to miss you.
I have to laugh at you saying you were tired and why. That happens to me too when I sit the grand children. Of course, we wouldn't give it up for anything, worth it all, but it's true, babies are for the youth!!! HA. At least the three years olds are!!
Happy Pink Saturday sweetie and have a wonderful week. Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. If you haven't tried the soap, you really should, it's wonderful and costs really next to nothing, Char
A very pretty piece. I love that it is divided.
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